About Us

Edmond Electric Company Ltd incorporated in 1973 was previously named :-
Edmond E & I (electrical & instrumentation)
About 25 years ago, I attended an entrepreneur course at Queens University Kingston; I had this idea that I wanted to be the first to design, build, and start a business selling electric boats that could be recharged from an electrical outlet, clean, quiet and pollution-free,
I have an electrical and design background and already built a prototype electric 18’ boat that worked great, it was not fast but very comfortable for cruising rivers and small lakes, but I had plans for a bigger one,
During the course, we had to analyze our business plans. This was when I realized that the success of an electric boat company at that time was only 25% likely to succeed,
I abandoned it and came up with the electric garden tractor idea; it was perfect. It would need heavy batteries and only go slow; this is what tractors do! and they need the weight for traction, they only need to cut up to 2 acres of grass on a charge, and with an efficient design, this was possible,
my first design was three wheels with an electric cutter in front, I showed some friends, and they were so impressed they invested in my company,
I then developed the four-wheel tractor with a belly mower, which is a great performer. We entered it in the first year of Dragon’s Den; they all thought it was a great idea, but because we hadn’t sold any, they didn’t invest,
I entered again 2 yrs later with the same results, I needed capital to manufacture!
I had some special advanced features and applied for a US and Canadian patent. We had some legal mistakes and had to drop it because of costs; that was the end of that. We then decided to redesign plans for the average handy person to convert a gas-powered tractor to battery power. We also assembled parts to form a conversion kit for a handy person to convert a light-duty riding tractor to battery power to cut grass and pull a small trailer, up to three acres cutting on a single charge.
So this is where we are today, we have a R&D testing and shipping facility in Amherstview, Ont, Canada.
- Brian Edmond